Friday, 30 April 2010

picture postcard perfect (left)

Somewhere in the British Virgin Islands, February 2009. Inspired by Stephanie of Style Odyssey ('Carribean Blue').

Thursday, 29 April 2010

picture postcard perfect (right)

Somewhere in the British Virgin Islands, February 2009. Inspired by Stephanie of Style Odyssey ('Carribean Blue').

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


I've been so torn about how to resume this blog: whether to go back and post (or is it pre?) date the photos to fill in for all the days I've missed? I suppose I can: I've got more than enough summer photos to fill many days of many years. But instead, I'm back to the commitment I made: a photo of a summery image, every day, all year round.

Today: one of the pools at my parents' retirement community in Florida. I love it there. It's just my mom now - my dad died seven years ago - but at a moment like this, swimming alone in the pool closest to their home - just steps away, in fact - that late afternoon, almost evening light, that feeling that time is suspended and all is well in the world.. well, one thing is for sure: I wasn't alone.